В форуме часто проскакивают вопросы: "Чего новенького ожидается в следующем стандарте?"
Строго говоря, естественно, точного ответа на этот вопрос не знает никто, включая комитет
стандартизации. Однако, получить некоторое представление чего, в принципе, можно ожидать
от следующей версии языка, можно отслеживая материалы рабочей группы комитета стандартизации.
К каждой следующей встрече рабочей группы на сайте (http://open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21)
анонсируется список документов. Из тех, что выложены к очередной встрече, которая состоится
в период с 27 по 31 октября на Гаваях, на мой взгляд, в первую очередь, интересны следующие:

Evolution WG issues list. Maintainers: Bjarne Stroustrup and David Vandevoorde

This is an initial list of issues. We have "seeded" it with topics of current topics in the
evolution working group, reflector threads, and email messages received. We expect that the
list will grow significantly and that the presentation and organization of this list will
evolve to cope.

(Draft) Technical Report on Standard Library Extensions. Matt Austern

Some of the library components in this technical report may be considered for standardization
in a future version of C++, but they are not currently part of any C++ standard. Some of the
components in this technical report may never be standardized, and others may be standardized
in a substantially changed form.

A name for the null pointer: nullptr. H. Sutter, B. Stroustrup

We propose a new constant called nullptr of the distinct type decltype(nullptr). nullptr can be
assigned to any pointer type (incl. pointer to member and function pointer types)but not to
integral types. We further propose that the standard library macro NULL be defined to be nullptr.
The result will be more readable code, better error detection, and better overload resolution.

Generalized Initializer List. Gabriel Dos Reis, Bjarne Stroustrup

This proposal resents two suggestions:
(1) to allow initializer lists to be used in expressions
(2) to allow initializer lists to be used for containers

Mechanisms for querying types of expressions: decltype and auto revisited. J. Jarvi, B. Stroustrup
Новая версия ранее опубликованного предложения по добавлению decltype (typeof) и auto.

Draft proposal for adding Multimethods to C++. Julian Smith
Новая версия ранее опубликованного предложения по добавлению поддержки мультиметодов.

Generalized Constant Expressions. Gabriel Dos Reis

We suggest to generalize the notion of constant expressions to include
calls to constant-valued functions.

Improving Enumeration Types. David Miller

This submission endeavors to improve enumerations by eliminating certain lingering deficiencies.

Literals for user-defined types. Bjarne Stroustrup

This note proposes a notion of user-defined literals based on literal constructors
without requiring new syntax.

Draft Proposal for Dynamic Libraries in C++ (Revision 1). Pete Becker

This paper discusses the issues presented in adding support for dynamic libraries to standard C++
and it makes specific recommendations for changes to the C++ standard for that support. These
recommendations are at present incomplete, and the parts that are presented will undoubtedly be
changed extensively as a result of future discussions. They are intended to provide a starting
point and a framework for changes needed to support dynamic libraries in standard C++.

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