Переписка "Why choose ASP.NET vs. J2EE ?"
От: Денис Цыплаков Россия  
Дата: 05.09.06 05:49
Оценка: 4 (2)

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I'm trying to understand why MIT would have chosen .NET over J2EE as
the toolkit for developing Internet applications. MIT comes from the
open-source and Unix world (and a lot of people there do anything
they can to avoid anything Microsoft-related), so it would make sense
for them to choose a more vendor-neutral platform (e.g.,
Apache/Tomcat/Java) and all the other open development tools

Would that be a fashion statement as well? What are the particular
advantages of .NET over J2EE that made it the superior choice? In my
mind, I would look at a solution that didn't require paying
Microsoft's excessive licensing fees, and that used as much open-
source software as possible.

And what about security? A poorly-configured Apache server can be as
bad as a poorly configured IIS server, but isn't it apparent
that .NET servers will be less secure than their open-source
counterparts (given the security track record of Microsoft products --
at least in the short term)?

-- Marcelo P. Lima, April 10, 2002

WBR Денис Цыплаков /* ICQ UIN : 108477017 */
Знающий не говорит, говорящий не знает

PS: Живете в Воронеже, разрабатываете на Java
пишите, пообщаемся.
Posted via RSDN NNTP Server 2.0

05.09.06 14:20: Перенесено модератором из 'Java' — Blazkowicz
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