Версия на русском языке



Author: Igor Belyaev
Annotation: The article presents priority queue implementation based on the binary, binomial and Fibonacci heaps. There are asymptotic complexity and comparative characteristic of the basic operations. This priority queue will be used to develop multi-agent search engine “knowledge keeper” agent.

Keywords: data structure; binary heap; binomial heap; Fibonacci heap;
Author: Koneva Anna Alexandrovna
Annotation: This article is about interoperating between languages C, C++ and Objective-C. It includes different themes – object-oriented topics, procedural ones, such feature of Objective-C as blocks and the similar feature of C++ - lambdas, and also some details of standard C99.

Keywords: Objective-C; C++; C; Interoperating; Issue; C++11; C89; C99
Author: Vasily Starostin
Source: RSDN Magazine #2-2010
Annotation: Some interesting examples in C++ code

Keywords: C++ joke
Author: Vyacheslav Grigoryev
Annotation: New programming paradigm or new domain specific language (DSL) can be implemented in C++ due to its power and flexibility. But such “non-native” implementation has its benefits and limitations. They are discussed in the article, using “boost::lambda” and “boost::phoenix” libraries as examples.

Keywords: boost; lambda; phoenix; functional programming in C++;

C++ 11

Author: Konstantin Vladimirov
Annotation: Covered innovative parts of new C++ standard: lambda expressions and rvalue references with related details, like std::move and std::function usage.

Keywords: C++11; lambda-expressions; rvalue references;
Author: Sergey Sadovnikov
Annotation: Article contains overview of C++11 variadic templates main features and provides variadic templates usage samples based on functional objects implementation.

Keywords: С++; C++11; variadic templates; C++ templates;

С++ Arena





Deep C++


Руководство по стандартной библиотеке шаблонов (STL)


Author: Grigoryev Vyacheslav Vladimirovich
Annotation: Article describes internal aspects of the boost “signals2” library. General architecture and signatures of classes have been discussed. An interaction of various objects during user’s invocation has been explained.

Keywords: boost; signals2; signal; slot; metaprogramming; delayed call

Динамически занимаемая память

Размещение объектов в оперативной памяти. Понятие указателя

Author: Alexander Kostarev
Source: RSDN Magazine #2-2010
Annotation: Issues of memory organization in C++ are considered along with memory management principles and pointers usage basics. Еlements and definitions are explained from the perspective of their implementation and internal structure. A careful reader will be able to understand how language elements and structures work and why they function exactly that way.

Keywords: C++; objects; pointers; memory; stack; dynamic memory; memory leaks; new; delete;
Author: Alexander Kostarev
Annotation: Issues of memory organization in C++ are considered along with memory management principles and pointers usage basics. Еlements and definitions are explained from the perspective of their implementation and internal structure. A careful reader will be able to understand how language elements and structures work and why they function exactly that way.

Keywords: C++; objects; pointers; arrays; vectors; memory; stack; dynamic memory; memory leaks; new; delete;


Манипуляции с битами



Author: Sergey Vasilyev
Annotation: The article tells about the first stage of the development of a family of cross-platform UNIO library using for unified interaction with the input-output devices. Describes the implementation of a new library UNIPRINT using for unified interaction with print devices.

Keywords: cross-platform; unification; programming interface; external intarface; input-output device; library; class; object; function; template; C++; STL; Win API; CUPS

Строки в С и С++

Язык Си в вопросах и ответах.

1. Нулевые указатели

2. Указатели и массивы


Метапрограммирование средствами шаблонов С++

Author: Chigrinets Vladislav Aleksandrovich
Annotation: This article proposes solution of unification of internal fields accessor functions.

Keywords: Template class interface; classes of properties; classes of strategies